Jul 17, 2020
Jamie shares her story of first teaching in Aurora, CO at Aurora Central and why she her heart keeps coming back to for various reasons which we talk about around the concept of 'community'. We talk about why diversity in schools matters and how it helps us see a true and complete understanding of humanity through the many faces and stories. We touch on being accepted and loved by the communities we teach in but also how we as teachers must do the same to both the students and the community. We reinforce the importance of not just hearing our students, but listening to them with acknowledgment.
We briefly talk about the districts in which we've worked and currently worked when it comes to student population. We share stories about the moments when our relationship's with students worked to bring us into their world and them into ours. Jamie talks about challenging our existing worldview with other's worldview. We spend some time talking about why rural districts are pretty awesome but very different from bigger city districts. We throw in some #kidsdeserveit for good measure.
It's a long listen, but well worth it. As always, you can adapt, reject, ignore, or marinate on the ideas presented here. We're not experts on the subjects just folks trying to find our way through discourse and discussion.