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Create at Morgan

Dec 12, 2022

James, Aaron, and Vicki are back in the studio to sift through the grab bag of ideas and content to dig into and talk about!

Dec 5, 2022

Aaron, Vicki, and James are going back into the 80's with a reflection and evaluation of "Willow".

Nerds by Screenlight Ep 24 - Hocus Pocus!

Nov 28, 2022

It's James and Vicki taking a look back on the classic, "Hocus Pocus"!

Nov 27, 2022

Join Chris and Aaron as we talk gaming, Star Trek, and whatever else we stumble into. Hilarious, thoughtful, and weirdly wonderful!

Sep 27, 2022

We're talking about Homeworld's new sequel trailer release.  We also talk about the state of gaming today and how we're feeling - we spotlight some bright spots in gaming while also deciding on a possible new direction for this podcast - new ideas and new conversations in addition to our computer gaming discussion.